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  • 疫情期间在校留学生外出寝室暂行规定
    发布日期:2020年02月17日 11:23    点击次数:


    Notice on Foreign Students’ Dormitory Management during Epidemic


    In order to strengthen the work on foreign students management, ensure them a better life in campus, based on the relevant official documents issued by the Sichuan Provincial Education Department, Sichuan University of Arts and Science and Dazhou Municipal Government, hereby make the following notices on the prevention and control of the epidemic for an reference for all foreign students in school.

    1. 学校教师公寓、留学生宿舍自2020年2月7日起,实行封闭式管理。所有留学生不得外出学校的东大门,所有在校留学生每人每2天可以外出到校园内超市购物一次,且每次外出时间不超过45分钟,每次外出需注意人员不能太集中,错峰出行,避免交叉感染。外出的时候必须报班主任老师同意,经所在学院批准后,通知宿管,方能离开寝室,并带上口罩,留学生必须履行请假程序,未经批准的留学生外出,宿管将上报学校,学校将根据留学生的情况报达州市出入境管理处。

       1. Since February 7, 2020 the new campus (including teacher’s apartment and student dormitory) has been under lockdown management. All foreign students are not allowed to go outside the East Gate of the new campus, and each student could go buying daily necessities for no more than 45 minutes in the campus supermarket every two days, but each student should go out at different time to avoid cross infection. Permission must be obtained from the class director and approved by the secondary college before students going out, and once the dormitory working staff on duty receives the notice from the class director then they can go out by wearing face masks. Those students who fail to finish all those formalities will be reported to the school, and then the latter will report them to Dazhou Exit&Entry Administration Office.

    2. 为确保留学生身心安全,严禁校外人员随意进出学校。如校内住宿留学生有离校回国、外出就医等特殊原因,请报告班主任和所在学院负责人,经国际交流合处上报学校审批后批准,报保卫处登记,经同意后,方能离开校园。如果所必须物品在校园内超市无法购买,请提前报班主任,汇总经审核后,由所在学院统一采购配送。

    2. To secure foreign students’ physical and mental health, persons outside campus are forbidden to enter the school. If students in campus need to go back to home countries and hospital, they should go through formal procedures (attached below) and leave after the final approval from the school. If students need extra daily necessities which cannot be obtained in campus supermarket, they should give a report to class directors in advance and procured by the secondary college after recheck.

    Formal Procedure: A. report first to class directors and leaders in charge of the secondary college; B. get approved by the International Exchange and Cooperation Office; C. get registered in Security Department; D. get approved by the school.

    3. 留学生外出需配合公寓管理员做好外出记录与详细台账,返回公寓后主动接受体温监控。

    3. Students should cooperate with dormitory working staff to keep detailed record when they go out, and accept the physical temperature check once come back.

    4. 因特殊原因需离校且已完成离校手续的留学生需配合学校东大门保卫人员进行身份核验以及做好出入校园台账,若经审核有未履行离校手续私自离校的学生,保卫人员有权禁止学生外出并报告学校相关部门。

    4. Students who need to leave campus for special reasons and finished all formalities must cooperate with security guard of East Gate to accept identity check and register their detailed information. Security guard has every right to ban students going out and report to the school once the latter are found to leave campus without any permission.

    5. 为切实做好疫情期间留学生的管理工作,保障留学生在校不被感染,教育部要求留学生要严明纪律,对不服从管理的留学生将严肃处理,在此期间对不遵守纪律的留学生,学校将上报出入境管理处,将取消在中国的留学签证。所以希望在校留学生遵守相关要求和学校规定,平安渡过疫情期,保持好身体健康。以便能在中国顺利完成学业。

    5. To safeguard all foreign students in school from being infected by the virus, the Education Ministry of China has strictly require all foreign students to obey relevant rules and regulations. Students who violate rules during the outbreak will be severely punished and the school should report them to the Exit&Entry Administration Department for canceling their study visa in China. Thus, hope all foreign students in school obey related requirements and school’s regulations so as to keep healthy and finish study in China.


    Finally, hope all foreign students safe and healthy in school! Strive together to conquer this hardship.


                                国际交流合作处  智能制造学院


    International Exchange and Cooperation Office 

    College of Intelligent Manufacturing

    February 13, 2020